ভোলানাথ মহাবিদ্যালয় , ধুবুৰী(স্বায়ত্তশাসিত)
As per the notification of Controller of Examination GU Dtd. 12-03-2024 the Examination form fill-up process of P.G.D.C.A 1st Sem (Regular) (Batch-2023) & 2nd Sem (Arrear) (Batch-2023 & 2022) Examonation, 2024 has already started from 13th March 2024 through GU Online mode. Students P.G.D.C.A 1st & 2nd (Regular/Arrear) (Batch-2023 & 2022) are to fill in their exam form by going to GU Portal (https://onlinegu.in ) on or before 18th March, 2024.
Students are to pay the exam fee online by going to the college website www.bncollege.co.in and clicking the link for FORM FILL UP PAYMENT
PGDCA 1st & 2nd Sem (Arrear & Regular) | |
PGDCA 1st Sem (Regular) | Rs. 3000/- Proceed |
PGDCA 2ND Sem (Regular & Arrear) | Rs. 3000/-Proceed |
PGDCA 2ND Sem (Semester Fee) | Rs. 7000/-Proceed |
After paying the exam fee, students are to take printout of the payment receipt and submit the following documents in the college office:
Date of submission of documents in the college office: