Borah, D., & Bhattacharyya, N. S. (2017). Design and development of expanded graphite-based non-metallic and flexible metamaterial absorber for X-band applications. Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(1), 226-232.
Borah, D., & Bhattacharyya, N. S. (2017). Development of non-metallic and conformal dual band meta-skin and its absorption study for microwave applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 122(5), 054503.
Borah, D., & Bhattacharyya, N. S. (2017, April). Design, fabrication and characterization of flexible and ultrathin microwave metamaterial absorber. In 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC) (pp. 190-193). IEEE.
Doley, S., Agarwal, V., Bora, A., Borah, D., & Dolui, S. K. (2019). Development of sunflower oil based nonisocyanate polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites with improved physico chemical and microwave absorption properties. Polymer Composites, 40(S2), E1120-E1130.
Mahanta, U. J., Gogoi, J. P., Borah, D., & Bhattacharyya, N. S. (2019). Dielectric characterization and microwave absorption of expanded graphite integrated polyaniline multiphase nanocomposites in X-band. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 26(1), 194-201.
Borah, D., and Bhattacharyya, N. S., Design, fabrication and characterization of flexible and ultrathin microwave metamaterial absorber. IEEE Conference Proceeding, 190-193, 2017.
Borah, D., and Bhattacharyya, N. S., Metamaterial based non-metallic and flexible electromagnetic absorber, In National Conference on Hard and Soft Condense Matter Physics (NCHSCMP-2017), Tezpur University, Assam, India.
Borah, D., and Bhattacharyya, N. S., Ultra-thin, non-metallic and flexible metamaterial absorber for X-band application: Design and fabrication, In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials Science and Technology (ICETNMST-2017), NIT Nagaland, Nagaland, India.
Borah, D., and Bhattacharyya, N. S., Design and development of non-metallic and flexible metamaterial absorber for X-band applications, In International conference on Light and Light based Technologies (ICLLT-2016), Tezpur University, Assam, India.
Borah, D., and Bhattacharyya, N. S., Design and development of metamaterial based liquid sensor, In Advances in Nanostructured Materials Applications and Perspectives (ANMAP-2016), Kaziranga University, Assam, India.
Borah, D., and Bhattacharyya, N. S., A polarization insensitive and wide angle metamaterial absorber for X-band applications, EDCAECT-2015, Gauhati University, Assam, India.
Borah, D. participated in one week Faculty Development Programme onMoodle: Open Source Learning Management organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in association with B. N. College, Dhubri.