About Me
Area of Interest
Education qualification:
Courses taught
- Classical mechanics , Electricity , Thermodynamics , Atomic Physics , Nuclear Physics , Optics,Statistical mechanics
- Prodhani, N., & Baruah. M.(2014).Binary accreting white dwarf a source of super soft X-ray, Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns, 9(B), 97-100.
- Prodhani, N., & Baruah. M.(2016).The luminous super soft x-ray source RXJ0925.7-4758 as a binary accreting white dwarf , Journal of Applied and Fundamental Sciences,2(2), 137-140.
- Prodhani, N., & Baruah. M.(2018).The Gallactic luminous super soft X-ray source RXJ0925.7-4758/MR Vel-Pramana journal of physics,90(2), 115-119 published by Indian Academy of Sciences.
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminar on The Cultural Heritage of Assam organized by B. N. College, Dhubri 6th & 7th sept,2008
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminar on Biodiversity And Environment, organized by B. N. College, Dhubri 27th & 28th sept,2008
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminar on Implementation of UGC Scheme organized by B. N. College, Dhubri 5th May,2013
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminar on New Approaches of basic sciences towards the development of Engineering and Technology, organized by Don Bosco College of Engineering and Technology, Azara, 12th & 13th March, 2010.
- Prodhani, N., & Baruah. M. (2014). Binary accreting white dwarf “a source of super soft X-ray , National seminar on Current trends in Physics Research organised by Darrang College in collaboration with Assam Science Society, 30th -1st Feb, 2014
- Prodhani, N., participated in Workshop on Astrophysical Data Analysis organized by Assam Don Bosco University in association with Tezpur University, 21st -23rd March, 2016.
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminaron Recent Advances in material sciences and their application organized by Department of Physics & Chemistry, B.N. College, Dhubri 24th & 25th March, 2017.
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminar on Women in India-Problems and Prospects organized by Women Cell, BNCTA, B.N College, Dhubri in collaboration with ACTA, 11th &12th Feb, 2017
- Prodhani, N., participated in National seminar on Environmental conditions and Biodiversity status in the new millennium organized by Dept of Zoology, B.N College, Dhubri in collaboration with CEE, North East,28th &29th Jan,2017
- Prodhani, N., participated in Faculty Development Programme on behavioral remodeling for enhancing the classroom delivery of teachers organized by Electronics & ICT Academy of IIT Guwahati in association with B.N College,Dhubri,19th -25th April, 2018, B. N. College, Dhubri.
- Prodhani, N., participated in Faculty Development Programme on Moodle: Open Source Learning Management organized by Electronics & ICT Academy of IIT Guwahati in association with B. N. College, Dhubri, 23rd -27th March, 2019, B. N. College, Dhubri.
- Prodhani, N., participated in Workshop on Choice Based Credit System in Undergraduate Courses organized by IQAC, B. N. College, Dhubri in collaboration with ACTA Zone-16, 7th sept, 2019