About Me
Area of Interest
- Material Science and electronics
Education qualification:
Courses taught
- Waves and sound , Electrostatics , Electronics
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. X-ray peak broadening analysis of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by precipitation method, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 4 (2014) pp1-7
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. Structural and Optical Properties of Zno Nano Particles,IOSR Journal of Applied Physics 6(2014) pp8-12
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. Structural Characterization of Cadmium Oxide Nanoparticles by Means of X-ray Line Profile Analysis, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER) 2 (2015) pp1773-1780
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. Effect of Zinc Concentration on ZnO Nanostructured Films Synthesized by SILAR Technique, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology6(2017) pp11994-12013
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. X-Ray Analysis of Cadmium oxide Nanostructured Films Synthesized with Different Precursor molarities by Silar method, Asian Journal of Chemistry29(2017) pp2005-2010
- Sarma, H., & Sarma, K. C. Synthesis & Characterization of ZnO nanoparticles, International conference on Green Energy and Smart Materials through Science, Technology and management (GESM14) ,organized by Gauhati University and University of South Africa , Gauhati University, Guwahati, 21-23 January,2014
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. Preparation and Characterization of nanocrystalline ZnO thin films, National seminar on Advances in Electronics and Allied Sciences & Technology, organized by Electronic Scientists & Engineers Society and Gauhati University, Guwahati, 4-5 Nov,2016
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. Effect of Molar Concentration on Structural Properties of CdO Nanocrystals Synthesized by Chemical Method, 62nd annual Technical Session of Assam Science Society, National seminar on Science & Technology for Human welfare, organized by IASST, Guwahati and Assam Science Society, Guwahati,27th Feb, 2017
- Sarma, H., Chakrabortty, D., & Sarma, K. C. X-Ray Line Profile Analysis of Undoped ZnO thin Films Prepared by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction Method, International Conference in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer Science and Information Technology , organized by Krishi Sanskriti publications & Dr. G.C. Mishra Educational Foundation, J.N.U., New Delhi, 22nd January, 2017
- Sarma, H., workshop attended on Procedure and Application of XRD and XRF organized by SAIF, Department of Instrumentation and USIC, Gauhati University, Assam
- Sarma, H., attended a training in Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) Acquitance Programme on Accelerator based multi-disciplinary scientific research, organized by Dept. of Physics, G.U., Guwahati,16th November ,2015
- Sarma, H., participated in National seminar on Recent Advances in material sciences and their application organized by Department of Physics & Chemistry, B.N College, Dhubri 24th & 25th March,2017.
- Sarma, H., participated in Faculty Development Programme on behavioral remodeling for enhancing the classroom delivery of teachers organized by Electronics & ICT Academy of IIT Guwahati in association with B.N College,Dhubri,19th -25th April, 2018, B. N. College, Dhubri.
- Sarma, H., participated in Faculty Development Programme on Moodle: Open Source Learning Management organized by Electronics & ICT Academy of IIT Guwahati in association with B.N College, Dhubri, 23rd -27th March, 2019, B. N. College, Dhubri.
- Sarma, H., participated in Workshop on Choice Based Credit System in Undergraduate Courses organized by IQAC, B.N College, Dhubri in collaboration with ACTA Zone-16, held on 7th September, 2019.