About Me
Area of Interest
- Commonwealth literature , North-East writings in English
Education qualification:
Courses taught
- Zaman, N., (2011). Love and Alienation in the Poetry of Kamala Das. Voice, 3, 60-66.
- Zaman, N.,(2013). Sylvia Plath and Kamala Das as Confessional Poets. Voice, 4, 30-35.
- Zaman, N.,(2013). Kamala Das and Humanism. An Approach. The Chronicle, 1, 57-61.
- Zaman, N., (2015). Salman Rushdie's Shame: A Novel Without a Hero. Voice, 5, 55-58.
- Zaman, N., (2015). Depiction of Women in the poetry of Eunice de Souza Mamta Kalia: A Study. Bholanath College Symphony, 1. 55-58.
- Zaman, N.,(2016). Anita Desai: Voice of the Voiceless. Voice, 6, 32-36.
- Zaman, N., (2014). Kamala Das' Vision of Life: A Studyâ€. New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 1(12), 17-22.
- Zaman, N., (2022). Mirroring the Life of Nagaland: A Study of Temsula Ao's Select Short Stories. Madhya Bharati. ISSN: 0974-0066. Pp.30-33.
- Zaman, N., Kamala Das: The Poet of the Poor. In a International Seminar on Poverty Beyond Borders organized by ICCSR in association with P. B. College, Gauripur,
- Zaman, N.,Representation of Women in the Short Stories of Kamala Das', In National Seminar on Women in India: Problems and Prospects, organized by UGC in association with B. N. College, Dhubri
- Zaman, N.,Temsula Ao: The Voice of the Voiceless, in a International Seminar on Exploring Sub-Himalayan Region of West Bengal and her Neighbours: Society, Religion and Culture since 1947,organized by ICCSRin association with Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, 25-27 March, 2019.
- Zaman, N. participated in One Week FDP on Behavioral remodeling for Enhancing the Classroom Delivery of Teachers, organized by Electronics ICT Academy, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati in association with B.N. College