Profile - Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam

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Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam

Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam

Assistant Professor

About Me

Area of Interest

  • Indo- Arabic Literature

Education qualification:

  • M.A.(GU), M.Phil.(AUS), Ph.D.(AUS),D.F.A., NCPUL, NET. (UGC), PGDCA. (NICA).

Courses taught

  • Arabic Prose, Poetry(Classical & Modern), Grammar , Functional Arabic , Indo- Arabic Literature and Political and Literary History


International Journal:

  • Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2012), Love and alienation in the poetry of Nazik-al-Malaika and Kamala Das: A comperative analysis; Drishti: the sight, an international Journal, vol.1, no.II , PP-83-92.
  • Islam,  Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2013), Said Ahmad  Palanpuri wa Dauruhu fi Tatavviri Uloom al Hadith fil Hind;, Al Shurooq al Hindi an international Journal, vol.1, no.I, PP-112-120
  • Islam,  Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2013), Writing a Literary Research Paper; Research Journal of MDKG an international Journal, vol.2, no.I, PP-15-20,
  • Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2020), Humanism and Islamic Ethics: An Analytical StudyJournal of Critical Reviews, vol.7, issue 13. PP-4630-4637. ISSN-2394-5125.
  • Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2020), Abul Hasan Ali Hassani Nadwi: As a Socio-Religious     Reformer of the World;International Journal of Advance Science and Technology.vol.29, no-5 13. PP-13690-13692. ISSN-2005-4238 UAST.

Book Published:

  • Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2012), Mohammad Yusuf Kandhlavi:The Secred Journey;  Research Based, Purbuttor Prakashan, Nagaon. ISBN-978-93-82569-10-7 
  • Hoque, Dr. Md. Inamul & Islam, Dr. Md.  Rafiqul, published a book entitled ‘A Reference Book on Lamhat Min Adab al- Arab Part-V & AL- Muntakhab’ Part- I published by Azad Publication Betbari Pather, Barpeta. ISBN 978-81-955734-8-6. 2022.
  • Hoque, Dr. Md. Inamul & Islam, Dr. Md.  Rafiqul, published a book entitled ‘Spoken Arabic-II Skill Enhancement Course, (SEC-II)’ published by Azad Publication Betbari Pather, Barpeta. ISBN 978-81-955734-0-0. 2022.

Chapter published:

  • Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2013) A reference book of Assam Madrassa student's for TET Exam-2014-15 (For FM/Senior/Pre Senior Candidates),Research Based,Jita Mita Prakash, Ghy-22.. SBN-978-81-910518-4-1, PP-210-238.
  • Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2012) Ameen Rihani and the Mahjar literature in the America. Research Based, Sajeeda Publishing House, Moirabari, Morigaon (Assam) ISBN-978-81-925377-9-5, PP-170-185.
  • Islam,  Dr. Md. Rafiqul (2019) Said Ahmed Palanpuri Indias most celebrated Arabic writer of 21st Century, Research Based, Aridam Offset and Imaging system Rajgarh Road, Guwahati, ISBN: 978-81939714-1-3.

International Seminar:

  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Humanism and Islamic Ethics: A Study” in an International seminar on Ethical and Moral Values of Arabic Literature to Promote Cultural Relations Between India and Arab World, Organized by department of Arabic and Persian Gauhati University, Guwahati on 14th to16th  Feb, 2015.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Contribution of Azan Peer to Sufi movement in Assam: A study” in an International seminar on Cultural Exchange between India, Iran, Turkey, Afganistan and Central Asia: Contribution of Scholars, Sufi's and poets, Organized by department of Parsian G.U. and Deptt. of Islamic Studies Cotton College on 4th to 6th  Feb, 2016.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “'Kalila wa Dimna' as shared heritage of Indo Arabic literature” in an International seminar on Persian and Sanskrit as shared heritage and cross cultural & historical connection between India, Iran & Central Asia, Organized by department of Persian G.U. & Deptt. of Arabic & Persian Cotton College on 9th to 11th  Feb, 2017.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Life and Works of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi with special reference to the Risale-i-Nur” in an International seminar on The Role of positive action in building a better world: The Perspective fo Teh Risale-I-Nur, Organized by department of University of Gauhati Department of Arabic and Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey on 16th to 17th Feb, 2017.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Sufizim and its impact on Indian philosophy with special reference to Mainuddin Chisti” in an International seminar on Legacy of Indo-Arabic Literature for Promoting India- Arab Cultural Relations, Organized by department of Arabic and Persian Gauhati University, Guwahati on 27th & 28th  March, 2019.

National and State Level Seminar:

  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Education for Rural Women and Enhancing Women's participation in politics” in a National Seminar on Education for Women in Rural Colleges, organized by department of Education, Moirabri College, Morigaon, Assam on 29th & 30th July, 2011.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Amin Rihani's 'The Book of Khalid': A Reconciliation of Materialism of the West and Spiritualism of the East.” in a National Seminar on A Glimpse of Mahjar Poets in the Americas with Special Reference to Al Rabita Al Qalammiyyah. (The Pen league), organized by department of Arabic, Moirabri College, Morigaon, Assam, held on 9th & 10th Oct, 2013.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Ethics and philosophy in the writings of Imam-al-Ghazzali: A study.” in a National Seminar on Ethics and Moral Values in Arabic Literature, organized by department of Arabic, Rangia College, Rangia, Assam, held on 30th & 31st  Jan, 2017.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Asomor Abhibahi Musalman hokolor haj-posak: Ati Adhayan” in a National Seminar on Asomor Jonogusthio Samaj-Sankskriti, organized by department of Assamese, Moirabri College, Morigaon, Assam, held on 25th & 26th Sep, 2010.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi as a Socio-Religious Reformer of the Muslim world” in a National Seminar ndo-Arab Relation: Its impact on language, literature, philosophy and culture organized by department of Arabic, Rangia College, Rangia, Assam, held on 31st March, 2016.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Said Ahmad Palan puri, India’s most celebrated Arabic Writer of 21st century” in a National Seminar on Impact of Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies on Indian National Harmony and integration, organized by department of Arabic, Nabajyoti College, Kalgachia, Assam, held on March 20th & 21st’ 2018.
  • Participated and presented a research paper on “Ameen Rihani, the most eminent writer of Arab-American literature of 20th century” in a National Seminar on ‘Arab-American literature; migration, diaspora and orientalism’ organized by department of Arabic, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam, held on 19th and 20th February, 2020


  • Participated in seven day Workshop on faculty development programme on “Doing Research with Special Focus on Human Development” organized by Equal opportunity Cell in collaboration Centre for Studies in Human Development Assam University, held from 16th to 22nd  to , 2011.
  • Participated in one day Workshop on ‘Application of Handling Software in Research’, organized by Advance Institute of Biotech Hub, B. N. College, Dhubri, held on 20th February’ 2018.
  • Participated in seven-day Workshop on faculty development programme on “Behavioral Remodeling for Enhancing the Classroom Delivery of Teachers” organized by E & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, in association with Bhola Nath College, Dhubri, held from 19-25 April, 2018.
  • Participated in seven-day Workshop on faculty development programme on “Moodle: Open-Source Learning Management” organized by E & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, in association with Bhola Nath College, Dhubri, held from 23-27 March, 2019.
  • Participated in one day Workshop on ‘Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in Under Graduate Courses’ organized by IQAC B. N. College, Dhubri in collaboration with ACTA Zone- 16, Dhubri, held on 7th September’ 2019.
  • Participated One Week International workshop on ‘Teaching Arabic as a Second Language at Undergraduate Level’, organized by Department of Arabic, Assam University, Silchar held from 01to 07 September, 2020.
  • Participated One-week Faculty Development Programme on Mentoring Pedagogy & Application of ICT tools for Online Classroom Delivery of Teachers", organized by E& ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in Association with Bhola Nath College, Dhubri and support from Skill Gym (OPC)Pvt. Ltd.  held from 07 to 12 December, 2020.
  • Participated One-week Faculty Development Programme on Teaching- Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education”, organized  by the Department of Education, Sibsagar College, Joysagar, under the aegis of IQAC, Sibsagar College, Joysagar held from 9th March to 15th March ,2022.

FIP/ Refreshers Course

  • Participated in 37 days (23 February’ 2021 to 31March’ 2021) UGC sponsored Faculty Induction Programme organised by HRDC, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

  • Perform duty as an External Evaluator of GUNOTSAV Round- I & II of Dhubri & Goalpara Districts.
  • Perform duty as a Presiding Officer of Different Election.