1 | Samgacchavaddham samvadaddham sam vo manamsi janatam: [Let us go together, speak together and let our minds be united] | RigVeda |
2 | 'Mata Bhumih Putro'ham Prithivyah' -(Earth is the mother and I am the son of the Earth). | Atharvaveda |
3 | Vidvan sarvatra pujyate ......( A Scholar is respected everywhere) | Bhartrihari |
4 | You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself | Swami Vivekananda |
5 | Amritam madhuram samyak samskritam hi tato'dhikam (Nectar is sweet, but Sanskrit is sweeter than it) | Hores Homyan Wilson |
6 | Tena tyaktena bhunjitha (You should enjoy by sacrificing) | Isopanishad |
7 | Satyameva Jayate ( Only Truth wins) | Mundakopanishaf |
8 | Madhumanno vanaspatih (Let the trees become pleasant for us) | Rgveda Samhita- 1. 90. 6-8 |
9 | Madhvir nah santosadhih (Let the herbs give vitality to us) | Rgveda Samhita- 1. 90. 6-8 |
10 | Gava deyah sada raksyah palyah posyasca sarvada (Cows should always be given, protected, reared and looked after) | Brihatparasarasmritih, 5. 23 (A) |