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1Samgacchavaddham samvadaddham sam vo manamsi janatam: [Let us go together, speak together and let our minds be united]RigVeda
2'Mata Bhumih Putro'ham Prithivyah' -(Earth is the mother and I am the son of the Earth).Atharvaveda
3 Vidvan sarvatra pujyate ......( A Scholar is respected everywhere)Bhartrihari
4You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourselfSwami Vivekananda
5Amritam madhuram samyak samskritam hi tato'dhikam (Nectar is sweet, but Sanskrit is sweeter than it) Hores Homyan Wilson
6Tena tyaktena bhunjitha (You should enjoy by sacrificing) Isopanishad
7Satyameva Jayate ( Only Truth wins) Mundakopanishaf
8Madhumanno vanaspatih (Let the trees become pleasant for us)Rgveda Samhita- 1. 90. 6-8
9Madhvir nah santosadhih (Let the herbs give vitality to us)Rgveda Samhita- 1. 90. 6-8
10Gava deyah sada raksyah palyah posyasca sarvada (Cows should always be given, protected, reared and looked after)Brihatparasarasmritih, 5. 23 (A)