# Heading Date Description File
1CO Class for BSc third semester 2024-08-23CO class Taken by department of mathematics for 3rd semester students.Download
2CO and PSO Class for BSc first semester 2024-08-23CO and PSO Class for BSc first semester taken by department of mathematics.Download
3Carrer opportunities for students in mathematics2024-08-23Reports on Carrer opportunities for students in mathematicsDownload
4diagonastic test result2023-10-05Download
5diagonastic test result2023-10-05Download
6midterm result 3rd sem2023-10-05Download
7class test marks 1st sem major2023-10-05Download
8Group Discussion2023-04-22The department of mathematics organized a group discussion session on “Application of mathematics in various fields” on 11th March, 2023 in Room No.-28.Download
9Quiz2023-04-22A quiz programme on the topic-“History of Mathematics” has been organized on 14th March, 2023 on the occasion of International Pi Day in Room No.-28 at 10:45 A.MDownload
10Workshop in capacity building in ICT2023-04-20The department of Mathematics has organized a workshop in capacity building in ICT-Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations for the students of the department at 11:00 A.M in Room no. 28.Download
11International Pi Day2023-04-14The Department of Mathematics had invited Dr. Gautam Kalita, Associate professor, IIIT Guwahati to present a talk online on “The importance and history of Pi” on the occasion of International Pi Day which was streamed live in the video conference room on 14th March, 2023Download
12Report on Group Discussion of 1st Sem Hons2022-11-05Report on Group Discussion of BSc 1st honsDownload
13Report on CO class of 1st Sem(H)2022-08-25Download
14Report on CO 2nd Sem Hons2022-02-24CO class of BSc 2nd sem Mathematics HonoursDownload
15Departmental Quiz Competition2022-02-09Departmental Quiz CompetitionDownload
16Report on Peer class2022-02-09Peer class by 1st Sem HonsDownload
17State Level Webinar on Basic Concepts of Topology2021-07-31A State Level Webinar on “Basic Concepts of Topology” was organized by the Department of Mathematics, B.N. College, Dhubri in collaboration with Assam Academy of Mathematics, Guwahati, Assam on 31st of July, 2021 at 4.00 PM. This webinar is the initiative programme of MOU between B.N. College and Assam Academy of Mathematics.Download
18Swachhta Abhiyan, 20212021-03-01A Swachhta Abhiyan has been organized by the Department of Mathematics, BN College, Dhubri as students’ activity within the college campus on 1st March, 2021.Download
19Departmental Wall Magazine, 20212021-02-27Departmental Wall Magazine of Mathematics Department entitled as "Infinity" was inaugurated by Dr. Dhruba Chakrabortty, Principal, B. N. College, Dhubri on 26th February, 2021.Download
20Departmental Seminar, 20212021-02-26The Department of Mathematics, BN College has organized a Departmental Seminar on 25th of February/2021 at 11:30 AM for the students of BSc 5th Semester (Honours).Download
21Inauguration Programme of Departmental Wall Magazine2021-02-26Inauguration Programme of Departmental Wall Magazine by Dr. Dhruba Chakrabortty, Principal, B. N. College, Dhubri on 26th February, 2021.Download
22Felicitation Programme to the Students done best result in the Department, 20212021-02-25A Felicitation Programme has been organized by the Department of Mathematics as a best practice, for the students of the department securing excellent results in the previous examination.Download
23Inter Departmental Quiz Competition on Basic Computer Literacy2021-02-13An Inter Departmental Quiz Competition on “Basic Computer Literacy” has been organized by Department of B.Voc(IT) in collaboration with Department of Mathematics, B. N. College, Dhubri on 13th February, 2021 in the class room 28 of Mathematics Department.Download
24A Report on GROUP DISCUSSION by Department of Mathematics2021-02-09Group Discussion organized by the Department of Mathematics on the topic "Limit and Continuity"Download
25A Report on Debate Competition by Department of Mathematics2021-01-10Departmental Debate competition organized by Department of Mathematics, BN College on the topic “Mathematics Lacks the Science of Morals(Ethics)”Download
26Student Extension Activity report2021-01-08Student Teaching Activity in Rasaraj Jatiya Vidyalaya, DhubriDownload
27A Report on National Mathematics Day 2020-12-23Celebration of Ramanujan Day (National Mathematics Day) along with Inauguration Programme of Enrichment Course in Vedic MathematicsDownload
28Wall Magazine, 2019-202020-12-14Download
29Women Literacy Survey in Mathematics (Extension Activity), 20202020-03-01A Literacy Survey was organized by the Department of Mathematics, BN College, Dhubri on 1st March/ 2020.Download
30Swachhta Abhiyan, 20192019-11-08In view of clean campus of the College, the department of Mathematics, BN College, Dhubri, has organized a Swachhta Abhiyan in the college campus on 8th November/ 2019.Download
31Inter-Departmental Teaching Activity, 20192019-10-21The Department of Mathematics has organized an Inter-Departmental Teaching Activity in collaboration with the Department of Zoology on 21st October, 2019Download
32Felicitation Programme to the Students, 20192019-09-09Felicitation Programme to the Students with excellent result in the DepartmentDownload
33Debate Competition, 20192019-08-26A debate competition was organized by the Department of Mathematics, BN College, Dhubri on 26th August/ 2019 for the students of the departmentDownload
34Quiz Competition, 20192019-08-22The Department of Mathematics, BN College, Dhubri has a department quiz competition on 22nd of August/2019 as a departmental activity accordingly to the tentative plan of activities of the Department.Download
35Women Literacy Survey in Mathematics (Extension Activity), 20192019-08-18A Literacy Survey was organized by the Department of Mathematics, BN College, Dhubri on 18th of August/ 2019 in the village Falimari Part-I, under the Block Dharmasala of District Dhubri.Download
36Extension Activity (Teaching Activity by Student)2019-06-19The Department of Mathematics, B N College has performed a Student Extension Activity in connection to the Teaching-Learning process in Bidyapara High School, Dhubri on 19th June, 2019 at 10.00 am on the topic “Coordinate Geometry and Circle”.Download
37Departmental Seminar, 20172017-10-03The Department of Mathematics, BN College has organized a Departmental Seminar on 3rd October, 2017 at 11:00 AM among the students of BSc 5th Semester (Major) Download