# Heading Date Description File
1Departmental Library of B. Voc. (Information Technology) inauguration2024-11-18Departmental Library , B. Voc. (Information Technology) of B. N. College(Autonomous) inauguration along with students of the department is held today in Departmental LAB of B. Voc. (Information Technology).Download
2Departmental Seminar of 1st Semester, Spt. 20242024-09-21This is Departmental Seminar of 1st Semester, 2024. Download
3Sessional Examination routine, 20242024-03-15Sessional Examination 0f 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester. The examination will started from 2nd April,2024.Download
46th Semester Seminar report2023-03-25Download
54th Semester Seminar report2023-03-24Download
62nd Semester Seminar report2023-03-23Download
7Student Seminar (5th Semester)2022-11-05Download
8Peer Class 1st Semester2022-11-03Download
9Student Seminar (3rd Semester)2022-11-02Download
10Student Seminar (1st Semester)2022-10-29Download
11Hands on Training on Science Poster Making2022-10-26Download
12Two Day workshop on Latex2022-10-20A “Two Days Workshop on LaTex” is jointly organized by the Departmental Research Cell, Department of Physics, B. N. College, Dhubri and Departmental Research Cell, Department of B.VOC (IT), on 14th -15th June, 2022. The 2nd and 4th semester students from both the departments have participated in the program. In the workshop, the basic syntax of LaTex as well as the scientific report writing using LaTex is discussed. Once the training is completed, the students are provided a sample document and they are asked to produce the replica of the same with LaTex, which is considered as the eligibility criterion to get the participation certificate. The program was ended with a vote of thanks. Download
13Report on CO taken by Dharitri Sarkar (3rd Semester)2022-09-19Download
14Report on CO taken by Nayan Kumar Sarkar (5th Semester)2022-09-19Download
15Report on CO taken by Dharitri Sarkar (1st Semester)2022-08-23Download
16Hnads on Training on Python Programming2022-06-30Download
17Student Seminar2022-06-02A departmental seminar for the 4th semester students of department of B.Voc(IT) has been organised on 2nd June, 2022 at 11 am in the departmental laboratory. All the students of 4th semester were present in the seminar. They have presented various topics related to their course. Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc(IT), Sk. Md. Inzamamul, Laboratory Assistant of B.Voc(IT) were also present in the seminar.Download
18Student Seminar2022-06-01A departmental seminar for the 2nd semester students of department of B.Voc(IT) has been organised on 1st June, 2022 at 11 am in the departmental laboratory. All the students of 2nd semester were present in the seminar. They have presented various topics related to their course. Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant professor, Department of B.Voc(IT), Sk. Md. Inzamamul, Laboratory Assistant of B.Voc(IT) were also present in the seminar.Download
19Report on Inter Departmental Quiz Competition 2021-02-13An Inter Departmental Quiz Competition on “Basic Computer Literacy” has been organized by Department of B.Voc(IT) in collaboration with Department of Mathematics, B. N. College, Dhubri on 13th February, 2021 in the class room of Mathematics Department. The program was started with an inaugural speech by Dr. Susmita Sen Gupta, Coordinator, IQAC, B. N. College, Dhubri. Dr. Dipangkar Borah, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics acted as the Quiz Master for the program. There were total five round and three teams were selected as the winners. Monoj Barman, Khokan Chakder and Abu Bakkar Siddique of 1st Sem, Department of Mathematics secured the first position, Hiyamoni Roy, Sajid Hassan Sarkar, Pinky Begum of 3rd Sem, Department of Mathematics secured the 2nd position and Ankita Saha, Paromita Modak, Sabnam Khandakar of 1st Sem, Department of B.Voc(IT) secured the 3rd position in the programme. After the competition, Dr. Dipangkar Borah shared his experience and encourage the students with his speech. The prizes, consists of a Diary, pen and a certificate were given to the winners after that. The program was ended with a vote of thanks, proposed by Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant Professor, B.Voc(IT). Download
20Student Extension Activity on "Awareness program on Computer Literacy"2021-01-29A Student Extension Activity on "Awareness program on Computer literacy” was held on “Aradhana Academy”, Dhubri on 29th January, 2021. There are 9(Nine) students from 1st Semester and 3(Three) students from 3rd Semester were participated in the Extension Activity program. During the program we got full co-operation from the principal and students of “Aradhana Academy”. Download
21Report of Student Extension Activity on "Awareness Program on Computer Literacy" 2021-01-29Name of the Programme : Student Extension Activity on ”Awareness’ programme on Computer literacy”. Date : 29th January, 2021. Organized by : B. Voc. (IT) Department, B.N. College, Dhubri. Name of Resource person/judges : Prasenjit Nath & Dharitri Sarkar is the Resource person of the programme. Number of participants/students : 12 students participate in the program. A brief write up of the programmme (with web snaps/photos) : A Student Extension Activity on Awareness programme on Computer literacy” was held on “Aradhana Academy”, Dhubri on 29th January, 2021. There are 9(Nine) students from 1st Semester and 3(Three) students from 3rd Semester were participated in the Extension Activity programme. During the programme we got full co-operation from the principal and students of “Aradhana Academy”. Download
22Student Seminar 2021-01-27Department of B. Voc.(IT) has organized a student seminar on 27th January, 2021. All the first semester students have presented on different topics related to Fundamentals of Computer. The seminar was ended with the lecture of Prasenjit Nath , HOD, B. Voc.(IT) and Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant professor, B. Voc.(IT). All the third semester students were also present in the seminar.Download
23Report of Student Seminar2021-01-27Report of Student Seminar: Department of B. Voc.(IT) has organized a student seminar on 27th January, 2021. All the First semester students have presented on different topics related to Fundamentals of Computer. The seminar was ended with the lecture of Prasenjit Nath, HOD, B. Voc.(IT) and Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant professor, B. Voc.(IT). All the third semester students were also present in the seminar. Name of the Programme : Student Seminar Date : 27th January, 2021. In connection with observation of ……..……………………………Day (If any) : Organized by : B. Voc.(IT) Department, B.N. College, Dhubri Name of Resource person/judges : Number of participants/students : 25 Name, Class, Roll no of the winners : A brief write up of the programmme (with web snaps/phots): Department of B. Voc.(IT) has organized a student seminar on 27th January, 2021. All the First semester students have presented on different topics related to Fundamentals of Computer. The seminar was ended with the lecture of Prasenjit Nath, HOD, B. Voc.(IT) and Dharitri Sarkar, Assistant professor, B. Voc.(IT). All the third semester students were also present in the seminar. Download