1 | PO/PSO Programme | 2024-08-03 | The Department of History, B.N. College, Dhubri, Assam has delivered a lecture on Programme Specific outcome and Course outcome for 1st and 3rd semester Major students. | Download |
2 | Debate Competition | 2023-11-04 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam has organized a Debate Competition among 4th the students of 2nd and 4th semester honours students. The topic of the competition was “Is Digital Technology making Children’s Live Better”. The total numbers of participants were 23 and every one of them participated actively. The Department of History has always tried to imbibe various qualities in students for their personality development and excel in their future endeavour. | Download |
3 | Extempore Speech 4th & 6th semester Honours | 2023-10-04 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri, Assam has organized Extempore Speech among the 4th and 6th semester honours students. The students were given the choice to speak on current national and international events. The Department of History has always been trying to explore the talent of students through organised different programmes and nurture the students in public speaking. | Download |
4 | SEMINAR Presentation 2nd semester Honours | 2023-10-04 | The Department of History has organized a seminar presentation programme among the students of 2nd semester honours. The purpose of this programme is to educated and provide the platform to learn and experience of presenting a paper. | Download |
5 | Group Discussion 6th Semester Honours | 2023-09-04 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri, Assam has organized a Group Discussion among the students of 6th semester (H) on 24-03-23. The theme of the group discussions is “Russia-Ukraine War”. All the students participated and did fairly well as the topic is of upmost importance and related to current international affairs. The faculties have decided to help the students improve by guiding them in whatever way possible. | Download |
6 | Faculty exchange programme | 2023-08-04 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri organized a faculty exchange programme with the Department of History, Halakura college, Halakura, Dhubri. Mr. Ibrahim Hussain Sheikh, faculty of History Department, Halakura College visited our college on 20-03-2023 and delivered lectures among the honours students of 2nd semester, 4th semester, and 6th semester respectively. The basic objectives of this types of programme is to provide different taste to the students regarding teaching and study materials and this type of programme no doubt help the students to better understanding of their courses. | Download |
7 | PEER CLASS 2nd SEMESTER HONOURS | 2023-08-04 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam has organized a Peer Class among the 2nd semester honours students. Class was taken by Saidul Islam on the topic ancient Roman religion in which the other students participated by raising their doubts and also adding some points on the topic. The Department of History has always been trying to explore the talent of students through organised different programmes. | Download |
8 | PEER CLASS 6th SEMESTER HONOURS | 2023-08-04 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam has organized a Peer Class among the 6th semester honours students. Class was taken by Tahir Hassan and Rukhana Begum on the topic Treaty of Yandaboo and freedom movement in India respectively in which the other students participated by adding some points and discussing the facts. The Department of History has always been trying to explore the talent of students through organised different programmes and nurture the students in public speaking. | Download |
9 | PEER CLASS 4th SEMESTER HONOURS | 2023-07-04 | The department of History, B.N. College has organized a Peer class among the 4th semester honours students. Class was taken by Anamika Das and the topic was Money Economy Prelude to Industrial civilization. | Download |
10 | WALL MAGAZINE 2023 | 2023-07-03 | The students of the department has prepared a wall magazine of the department. All the honours students of 2nd, 4th and 6th semester students contributed in preparing it. | Download |
11 | Extempore Speech | 2022-12-10 | An Extempore Speech program was conducted among the 3rd semester Honours student by the department of History on 19-10-2022. It was mainly conducted to diagnosed the students weaknesses and strengths in public speaking and also to provide the platforms for learning the art of speaking. | Download |
12 | QUIZ COMPETITION 2022 | 2022-10-01 | A Quiz competition was held among the Honours( 1st, 3rd and 5th) semesters students. The students were divided into five groups. The winner of the competition was Group C consisting of 1st semester students. All the students gave their best and at the end of the competition the students were advised to keep themselves up to date regarding various developments and events taking place nationally and internationally. | Download |
13 | PEER CLASS OF 4th semester | 2022-05-14 | A Peer class was taken by Rozina Parbin and Reza Aktar Hussain on 14th May 2022 on the topic 'English Revolution' and Feudalism. | Download |
14 | 1st semester (H) Group Discussion | 2022-01-04 | A group Discussion was held among the First Semester Honours students in Room no 24 A. The topic of the discussion "Lession to the World from Covid-19 Pandemic. | Download |
15 | An Academic Talk Session | 2021-12-22 | An Academic Talk Session was organized by the Department of History, B.N.College Dhubri under MoU with District Museum Dhubri, on 23rd November 2021. The topic of the academic talk was 'Recasting the Religious Practices through Solapith Craft tradition' The invited speaker was Mr. Mrinmoy Das, District Museum Officer, Dhubri. | Download |
16 | Human Rights Day Celebration | 2021-12-21 | The Department of History has organized a Human Rights Day Programme on 10th December 2021. The Honours students of History department has participated in the extempore speech on various human rights and violation of rights and misuse of rights issues. The H.O.D of History, Sri, Rabindra Das gave a resourceful speech on Human Rights and its violation all around the world. | Download |
17 | Peer Class | 2021-12-20 | Peer class of 3rd Semester (Honours)was held on 01/12/2021 Sabita Sarkar and Reza Hussain took classes on Renaissance and Feudalism in Europe. | Download |
18 | Walk to Library | 2021-12-18 | The students of First Semester ( Honours ) attended A Walk to Library programme organized by S.N.T Library B.N College on 18/12/2021. The students were taught the rules and regulations of the library and how to search and avail books and also about the ways to search materials of various subjects on android application and National Digital Library of India. | Download |
19 | World Heritage Week celebration. | 2021-11-21 | The students of the History Department B.N. College has attended the World Heritage Week 2021 organized by District Museum, Dhubri on 21st November 2021. Title of the World Heritage Week is 'Exploring the Colonial past of Dhubri Town'. | Download |
20 | Wall Magazine 2021 | 2021-03-05 | The major and honours students of the department of history have prepared a wall magazine with a theme "A Journey of History of India from Ancient to Modern period" and its relation with other social sciences. | Download |
21 | An Academic Meet | 2021-03-04 | The Department of History has organized an Academic Meet; lecture on “A wonder that is Assam: Understanding its Cultural Context and Ideological Relevance” on 04-03-2021. The Resource person was Mr. Mrinmoy Das, District Museum Officer, Dhubri. | Download |
22 | Inter Departmental Quiz Competition | 2021-02-22 | The department of History and Assamese of B.N. College, Dhubri, have organized an inter-departmental quiz competition on 22-02-2021 among the major/honour students of both the department. In total 30 students participated which was divided into 10 groups of 3 students each. The competition was of four rounds. The first position was secured by Group A (Ariful Islam, Mrigen Das, Sopikul Islam), the second position by Group F (Moshir Uddin- Ahmed, Rezaul Karim, Aziz-Ul-Hakim), and the third position by Group C (Abdul Harif Khan, Raihana Islam, Tonushri Nath). | Download |
23 | Extension Programme | 2021-02-18 | The Department of History B.N.College has conducted an extension programme on 18-02-2021 at Shekher Ullah Memorial School. The faculty along with the major students participated in this extension programme. The main purpose of this programme was to spread awareness among the school students about the necessity and importance of history, to follow their dreams and work hard for their ambition. In this programme the students of history department were given the opportunity to speak and to encourage the students of this school. The students as well as the teaching staff of this school have appreciated this programme and gave an encouraging word to conduct such kind of programme in the future. | Download |
24 | Peer Class | 2021-02-13 | The Department of History B.N.College has organized a Peer Class among the 3rd semester honour students. The class was conducted by Aziz –Ul-Hakim on “Renaissance Movement in Europe”. It was a wonderful and valuable experience for the whole class. | Download |
25 | Faculty Exchange Programme | 2021-02-10 | Under the faculty exchange programme the faculty of Halakura college Sri Ibrahim Hussain Sheikh has taken three classes of 1st,3rd and 5th semester honours/major students on
10-02-2021. It was a good experience for the students to learn from him. | Download |
26 | Observance of Martyr Day | 2021-01-30 | The Department of History B.N.College Dhubri has observed Martyr Day on 30-01-2021 in classroom number 24A among the students of History. In total 23 students attended the programme. In this programme H.O.D of History Sri, Rabindra Das has spoken about the Martyr of India and also implore the students to observe martyr day by remembering their sacrifices for the nation. | Download |
27 | Group Discussion | 2021-01-29 | The Department of History, B.N. College, Dhubri, Assam has organized a Group Discussion among the students of 1st semester (H) on 29-01-2021 from 1:45 p.m.in the Room no-24(A). The theme of the group discussions is “Indus Valley Civilization”. All the students participated and did fairly well as it was their first ever group discussion. The faculties have decided to help the students improve by guiding them in whatever way possible. | Download |
28 | The Online Quiz Competition (Intra-Departmental) | 2021-01-04 | Report on The Online Quiz Competition (Intra-Departmental) | Download |
29 | QUIZ COMPETITION | 2020-12-26 | The Department of History, B.N. College, Dhubri, Assam has organized a quiz competition among the students of 1st semester (H), 3rd semester (H) and 5th semester (M) on 26-12-2020 from 11:00 A.M. in Room no-24(A). The theme of the quiz competition is “The Society of Assam”. All the students enthusiastically participated and delivered a close competition. The students were divided into ten groups of three students in each group. The first position of the competition went to 3rd semester group( Moshir Uddin Ahmed, Aziz Ul- Hakim and Assif After). | Download |
30 | Debate Competition | 2020-12-24 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam has organized a Debate completion among the students of 1st 3rd and 5th semester(major) on 24-12-2020 from 12.15 p.m.in Room no-24(A). The theme of the Debate Competition is “Is Digital Technology making Teenage Lives Better”? Almost all the students of 1st, 3rd and 5th semesters have enthusiastically participated in the competition. The main objectives of organizing this type of programme is to make the students aware of the importance of debate and regular practice for enhancing their skills for public speaking and also enhancing their power of analyzing with logical point of view. The performance of the students in this competition is not up to the mark. The Department of History is always aspiring to improve the student’s personalities in all aspects.
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31 | Group Discussion all Semester major | 2020-12-23 | The Department of History, B.N. College, Dhubri, Assam has organized a Group Discussion among the students of 1st semester (H), 3rd semester (H) and 5th semester (M) on 23-12-2020 from 11:30 A.M. in Room no-24(A). The theme of the group discussion is “How Good Are You In Communicating With Others”. The purpose of this programme is to make the students knows about their abilities and weaknesses on public speaking. The faculty of history department has enlightened the students about the rules and appropriate body language to be maintained in group discussion which will be beneficial for their future.
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32 | Inauguration of enrichment course on “History, Heritage and Tourism of North-East India” | 2020-12-16 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam has organized an inaugural programme on the introduction of enrichment course on History, Heritage and Tourism of North-East India on 16-12-2020 in the digital class room from 11.00 a.m. onwards. Dr. Dhruba Chackrabortty, honorable principal, B.N.College Dhubri presided over the meeting and also delivered his speech to all the students assembled in the meeting regarding the importance of the study of the mentioned area and also declared the opening of the said enrichment course. Abdul Motleb Mondal, honorable vice principal and faculty member of the department of History, Mr.Bijoy Kumar Sarma, Guest faculty of the course, Ebrahim Ali Mondal, faculty of History delivered their speech regarding the importance of the study of heritage and tourism of North-East India. Most of the major and honor students of History Department were present in the programme and total 45 students present in the inaugural programme. The basic aim of the programme was to enrich the students regarding importance of the study of History, Heritage and Tourism of North-East India and encourage the students to enroll in the said enrichment course. | Download |
33 | Departmental Seminar | 2020-12-14 | The Department of History, B.N. College, Dhubri, Assam has organized a Departmental Seminar among the students of 1st semester (H) on 14-12-2020 from 12.15 p.m.in the Room no-24(A). The theme of the seminar of 1st semester’s students is “The society of Ancient India” . The main objective of organizing this type of programme is to make the students aware about the practice of the seminar that help them improve their calibrates for their academic career and other aspects of life. | Download |
34 | Wall Magazine 2019-20 | 2020-12-12 | Wall Magazine prepared by the major and honours students. | Download |
35 | Departmental Seminar | 2020-12-11 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam had organized a Departmental Seminar among the students of 3rd semester (honours) on 11-12-2020 from 12.15 p.m.in Room no-24(A). The theme of the seminar was “The society of Ancient and Medieval India”. Almost all the students attended and actively participated in the seminar. The main objective of organizing this type of programme is to teach the students about seminar, how to present it and make them experience it by which they will overcome their fear of public speaking, which will help them in their further studies in particular and also for their personality
development in general. | Download |
36 | Departmental Seminar | 2020-12-11 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri, Assam had organized a Departmental Seminar among the students of 5th semester major students. The theme of the seminar was “The Society of Medieval Assam”. The students actively participated in the seminar and did their best because the faculties have time and again make them realized how important seminar is for their master degree and also in teaching profession. | Download |
37 | Human Rights Day Celebration | 2020-12-10 | The Department of History B.N. College, Dhubri, has celebrated Human Rights Day on 10th December 2020 in the college premises. On this occasion the department has organized an extempore speech competition among the students of Major and Honour classes of History Department. The Resource persons cum judges of the competition were Sri Rabindra Das, Head of the department of History and Miss Roza Ahmed, Ex- faculty of department of History. The basic aim of the programmed was to create awareness among students regarding the importance of the Human Rights and also giving an opportunity to students to practice and experience public speaking. The Department of History has always been trying to explore the talent of the students by organizing different programmes.
1st prize- Sabita Sarkar 1st sem (H),Roll no-94
2nd prize-Assif After, 3rd sem (H), Roll no-141
3rd prize-Aziz ul Hakim 3rd sem(H) Roll no-289
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38 | World Heritage Week celebration. | 2020-11-22 | The Department of History, B.N.College, Dhubri,Assam has participated in the programme of World Heritage Week on 22-11-2020 at Lion Club Dhubri, organized and celebrated by District Museum Dhubri, Assam. The students of our department as well as students of the Departments of Political Science and English, participated in the Competitions of spot essay writing and quiz. Our students achieved grand success in the competition and they also achieved total of 10 (Ten) prizes in the competitions. | Download |