# Heading Date Description File
1Departmental Debate2024-09-12Departmental debate conducted by the department of Arabic for 1st, 3rd & 5th Sem Major and Honours student.Download
2Departmental Seminar2024-09-09Departmental Seminar of B. A. 1st, 3rd & 5th major and honours course.Download
3P S O and CO class of B. A. 5th Semester Honor for the session 2024-20252024-08-06P S O and CO class conducted by the department of Arabic, B.N. College (Autonomous), DhubriDownload
4Scope and opportunity of the Department class of B. A. 1st Semester Major for the session 2024-20252024-08-06Scope and opportunity of the Department class conducted by the Department of Arabic, B. N, College(Autonomous), Dhubri.Download
5PSO and CO class of B.A. 1st Semester for the session 2024-20252024-08-05PSO and CO class conducted by the department of Arabic, B.N. College (Autonomous), DhubriDownload
6B. A. 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester internal Marks2024-04-20B. A. 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester internal MarksDownload
7Departmental Seminar2024-03-14Departmental Seminar of 2nd, 4th and 6th semester conducted by the departmentDownload
8Departmental Debate2024-03-09Departmental Debate of 2nd, 4th and 6th semester conducted by the departmentDownload
9Peer class2023-04-12A Peer class conducted by the B.A. 2nd Semester Honours studentsDownload
10Translation work2023-04-12B. A. 4th & 6th SemDownload
11Peer Class2023-04-10peer class for the students of 6th semesterDownload
12Seminar, B.A. 2nd , 4th & 6th Semester2023-03-23Departmental seminarDownload
13Departmental Seminar, B.A. 1st , 3rd & 5th Semester2022-11-17Student's Seminar organized by the Department of Arabic, B. N. College, Dhubri in Hall no. 13Download
14Debate Competition2022-11-17A Debate Competition conducted by the Department of Arabic, B. N. College, Dhubri in the Hall No. 13 of the CollegeDownload
15Peer Class2022-11-17A Peer Class conducted by department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 5th semester Honors students.Download
16Peer Class2022-10-29A Peer Class organized by department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 1st semester Honours studentsDownload
17Meet Academic Expert2022-07-01An Academic Lecture Programme organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri. Dr. Abu Bakkar Siddique, HoD, Arabic, Gauhati University acted as Resource Person.Download
18Seminar, B.A. 2nd , 4th & 6th Semester 2022-05-28Seminar, B.A. 2nd , 3rd & 6th SemesterDownload
19Translation work2022-05-25Translation work among the B. A. 5th semester Major students under departmental research cellDownload
20Peer Class2021-11-13A Peer Class conducted by department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 5th semester Honours studentsDownload
21Departmental Seminar2021-11-11Departmental Seminar organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 1st Semester Honours studentsDownload
22Departmental Seminar2021-11-11Departmental Seminar organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 3rd Semester Arabic Honours studentsDownload
23Departmental Seminar2021-11-11Departmental Seminar organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 5th Semester Arabic Honours studentsDownload
24Peer Class2021-11-09A Peer Class conducted by the Department of Arabic B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. 3rd Semester Honours studentsDownload
25Debate Competition2021-11-03Debate Competition organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the B.A. Arabic Honours StudentsDownload
26Meet Academic Expert2021-03-06An Academic Lecture Programme organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, HoD, Arabic,Urdu and Persian, Cotton University was acted as Resource Person.Download
27In-house lecture program2021-01-28An Interdepartmental In-house Lecture programme organised by the department of Arabic, Sanskrit & Hindi B.N. College, Dhubri on the topic" How to face an interview"Download
28Faculty Exchange Programme2021-01-27Faculty Exchange Programme with Dhubri Girls CollegeDownload
29Extension Activity2021-01-21An Extension Activity done at Matirchar High School on 'Awareness Of Arabic Study In Higher Education'Download
30Translation work2021-01-18Translation work among the B. A. 5th semester Major students under departmental research cellDownload
31Debate Competition2020-12-31Debate Competition organised by the Department of Arabic, B. N. College, Dhubri, for B. A. Major and Honours StudentsDownload
32Departmental Seminar2020-12-22A Seminar Organised by Department of Arabic, B.N. College, Dhubri, among the all Major and Honours Studendts of the DepartmentDownload
33Oneline Essay Writting Competition2020-06-15Online Essay Writing Competition held on the Topic -' Covid-19 and Role of Students on Society' among the Major & Honours students of the Deptt. of ArabicDownload